Maternity Amenity

Would you like the privacy of a single room whilst receiving NHS Treatment?

What is a maternity amenity bed?
Frimley Park Hospital has two maternity amenity rooms. These are available to NHS patients who wish to have extra privacy after the birth of their baby at Frimley Park Hospital.

Can I pre-book an amenity bed?
Rooms are booked on a first come first served basis. Booking enquiries can be made after the birth of your baby. The midwife caring for you will be happy to check availability.

Are there reasons why I may not be able to transfer to an amenity bed?
Medical staff will have to agree to your transfer. Patients having caesarean sections will need to be monitored for a period of time within a ward environment or until the medical staff agree to your transfer.

When will I need to pay?
Full payment is required at the time of booking. If you need to be transferred or discharged earlier than expected, the remainder of your booking will be refunded in full. Should your stay be extended, payment will be required in full for the additional days.

Payment is for room only. All other care and facilities remain within the NHS and does not constitute private midwifery or medical treatment/care.

Maternity Amenity | Parkside Suite

Private experience – NHS excellence